
"Over the past five years, I have had numerous occasions
to rely on the advice and expertise of Ian Rose in consulting
with me on a variety of topics, including: valuing intellectual
capital and managing organizational knowledge, creating the
learning organization, fostering creativity and innovation
in organizations experiencing major change, innovative practices
in executive development and performance support, and improving
the effectiveness of corporate training and learning. Ian
has extensive experience and contacts to be able to provide
a wealth of knowledge on any of these topics, as well as a
keen mind with a bent toward finding practical applications
for this knowledge.
I worked most extensively with Ian in my previous position
as Director of People and Organization Development at Lockheed
Martin, at their plant that produces fighter jet aircraft.
Ian was instrumental in helping us identify best practice
areas on all of the above topics, and working with us on several
occasions to direct change in the organization. I believe
his extensive knowledge and experience would be helpful to
any organization interested in improvement, but particularly
those willing to make significant changes toward world class
Karie Willyerd
Director, Executive Development