To give you some idea of the diversity of
projects it has successfully undertaken, IBR Consulting Services
has completed the following assignments:
Consulted with the Corporate Marketing group on their knowledge
management strategy, to ensure that ideas generated by their
operations around the world were not lost, but distributed
in such a way as to maximize their usefulness.
Addressed the senior management group in London on their role
in implementing successful organizational change initiatives.
BC Hydro: Developed
a skills database for all electrical and mechanical apprentices
and journeymen, to be used as the basis for an ongoing professional
development program.
Caltex Indonesia:
Consulted with their operations in Sumatra on a wide range
of human resource development issues.
Cayman Islands Chamber
of Commerce: Invited to be the guest speaker at the
Annual General Meeting, to talk about how leading-edge companies
around the world are learning to value their intellectual
capital, in order to make maximum use of their knowledge assets.
Clorox: Advised
their senior management group on how to develop a stronger
sense of commitment in their factory workforce.
Costalegre Community of
Business and Retired Persons: Gave a motivational presentation
to expatriates living in Mexico, on how to take control of
their professional and personal lives.
EDS: Conducted
a number of major international research projects on a wide
range of human resource management issues, and presented the
findings on many occasions to senior management groups in
Dallas and Zurich.
Egyptian Institute for
International Education: Participated in an executive
education program, on improving employee morale and commitment
in a developing world context.
Georgia State University:
Addressed the Chief Information Officers from the major corporations
in the Atlanta area (CocaCola, Delta Air Lines, Home Depot,
etc.), on how they needed to reskill their workforces over
the next decade in order to remain competitive.
Health Canada:
Consulted with their knowledge management group on a national
strategy for sharing organizational knowledge on health-related
Insurance Corporation
of BC: Conducted an in-depth review of their Insurance
Operations group, which led to a major restructuring of the
way insurance policies were handled, and to major cost savings
at the Corporation.
International Centre for
Research in Agroforestry: Worked with their senior
management team in Nairobi to overcome the resistance of leading
agricultural scientists to sharing information with their
Johnson & Johnson:
Developed a comprehensive database of “creativity”
resources (university courses, books, consultants, etc.) that
managers around the world could access for fostering innovation
in their business units.
Kellogg: Provided
research reports which helped them maximize the efficiency
of their workforce, and which therefore ensured that they
could remain in a leadership position in the face of larger
and “generic brand” cereal manufacturers.
Lockheed Martin:
Conducted a number of major international research projects
on a wide range of human resource management issues, and presented
the findings on many occasions to senior management groups
in Fort Worth and New Orleans.
NASA: Gave an inspirational
speech to senior NASA executives at the Johnson Space Center
(on how best to stimulate creativity in the workplace), on
the morning of the John Glenn launch.
Royal Bank of Canada:
Consulted with their corporate learning group on how best
to improve the effectiveness of training programs nation-wide.
Rotary Club: Developed
a fund-raising strategy that increased the annual revenue
available for community projects by over 300%.
Royal Dutch/Shell:
Advised their Information Technology senior management teams
in London, the Hague and Houston on those human resource issues
that were likely to impede their success, and developed a
comprehensive professional development strategy for their
U.S. operations.
United Nations:
Investigated the relationship between two major operational
bodies, the UN Office of Project Services and the UN Development
Programme, to determine how humanitarian and peace-keeping
projects could be handled more efficiently and cost-effectively.